Monday 10 November 2014

Heavy Metal Analysis Technology - AAS & ICP-MS

I believe that most people know about the sinister side of heavy metals. Here are a few examples:
Compared to Emerging Contaminants (ECs), heavy metal in water is not a new issue. Water filtration system today can easily remove heavy metal from the water. However, heavy metal contamination happens easily due to all kinds of industrial activities going on that discharge wastes loaded with heavy metals. Therefore, the monitoring of water quality in terms of heavy metal contamination should be done from time to time.

The laboratory which is specific for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS).

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Agricultural Expo and UPM 38th Convocation Festival - Environmental Forensic Booth

This was the first time I went to the Agricultural Expo and UPM 38th Convocation Festival held at Bukit Ekspo with the theme 'Agricultural Innovation Centre of Living'. It is an annual event which will be held during the convocation period with exhibitions by various faculties and departments of UPM. Me and Erika spent around two hours there to explore the contribution of UPM mainly in the agricultural sectors. Here's the photo blog of some of my findings there.

The exhibition bus by UPM Research Centre about city agriculture.
The inside of the exhibition bus. Products made of extract of plants are exhibited (these products are not commercialised yet). Information regarding the medical usage of traditional plants are being shown as well. The person in-charged there was very helpful in giving explanation about those plants. It's really eye-opening that actually plants that we might easily oversee bring health benefits.